Gaining insights through your customer’s eyes.

Gain insights on your customer’s journey and shopping patterns. K2 field force will discreetly observe your customers and record the journey utilizing a map of the store, aisle or department and a digital pen, or eye tracking glasses. Other observations may include customer demographics and behaviors such as product selection or avoidance, placing items in cart, stoppage points, and more. The findings are sent directly to you, or included in your client dashboard along with the details of your other research programs. Popular digital capture research includes:

Digital Pen:

Track your customer’s journey and path throughout a store and/or a particular aisle.

Eye Tracking Glasses

  • Specialty-designed glasses track what catches your customers attention while walking through a brick and mortar location.
  • The eye-tracking glasses track the navigational journey of a customer on your website.

Hi-Res Photos Collection

Hi-res photos are taken and uploaded into a library for the purpose of collecting data such as price lists and branding compliance.